All members of the HOA that pay for membership receive a key to access the Boat Ramp. If you paid your membership and want a key contact any of the BOD's and they can get you one. All paying members are entitled to use this launch ramp. Please use it responsibly.
The ramp was built in 1998 and the regulations governing launch ramp construction have gotten more restrictive since then. The HOA can expect a major expense (at least $5,000) when/if the ramp has to be replaced.
Regular users of the ramp have learned its ‘personality’ to successfully launch and retrieve their boats. If you’re new to this ramp, be cautious when launching and retrieving your boat.
Boat Ramp and Recreation Area
When you do launch successfully, please remember that Tucker Creek is a relatively narrow waterway and that your wake can wash the fine sediments away from the roots of the grasses/reeds along the shore. These fine sediments may end up settling to the bottom in the middle of the present channel. The chances that the government will allow this channel to be dredged again for your benefit are very small. These waterways are nursery areas and are protected. Navigate your boat at 5 MPH or less and leave no wake until you reach Slocum Creek. |
The recreation area is co-located with the boat ramp. There are several picnic tables and a fire pit for use by members. Paying members are given a key to access and utilize the area for cookouts or get together as well as use the dock to enjoy the view or cast a line for a little bit of fishing. The HOA makes use of the area for various community events as well.